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BTGE 3765: Theology 2


Research Paper

Theology Books for Your Assignment (Recom'd by Dr. Leeds)

Other Recommended Books on These Topics for Your Assignment

  1. Christology

a. What does it mean to say Jesus is fully human?
b. What does it mean to say Jesus is fully divine?
c. How was Jesus both fully human and fully divine at the same time?
d. How can we know who Jesus really was?
e. What are the differences between the Mormon and biblical views of Jesus?
f. What are the differences between the Islamic and biblical views of Jesus?
g. What was Jesus’ existence like before the incarnation?
h. How did Jesus fulfill a prophetic role?
i.  How did Jesus fulfill a priestly role?
j.  How did Jesus fulfill a kingly role?
k. Are prophecies about Christ valuable in apologetics?
l.  Did Jesus descend into Hades?
m.Why was Jesus resurrected?
n. What is the significance of the Virgin Birth?
o. Could Jesus have sinned?
p. In what ways was Jesus the perfect sacrifice?

  2. Soteriology

a. What is the ransom view of the atonement?
b. What is the penal-substitutionary view of the atonement?
c. For whom did Christ die?
d. In what order does salvation happen?
e. Is it best to say we “have been saved” or “are being saved” or “we will be saved”?
f.  Does James disagree with sola fide in James chapter 2?
g. What is justification?
h. How is theological adoption like earthly adoption? Different?
i.  Can Christians reach sinless existence in this life?
j.  Can we lose our salvation?
k. What happens to those who never hear the gospel?
l.  Is repentance required for salvation?
m.What is Calvinism?
n. What is Arminianism?

  3. Pneumatology

a. Is the Holy Spirit a person or thing?
b. What did the Holy Spirit do in the Old Testament?
c. What did the Holy Spirit do in the New Testament?
d. Do the miraculous gifts still exist?
e. Is there a baptism of the Holy Spirit? What is it?
f.  What is the gift of prophecy?
g. What is speaking in tongues?
h. Can we pray to the Holy Spirit?
i.  How many spiritual gifts are there?
j.  When do we receive spiritual gifts?
k. Is it okay to want more spiritual gifts?
l.  Why do we have spiritual gifts?

  4. Ecclesiology

a. What are the images of the church in the bible?
b. How are the church and Israel related?
c. Why does the church exist?
d. Should there be multiple elders or just one pastor in a local church?
e. Should there be a system of authority above local churches?
f.  Should we baptize infants?
g. What does baptism accomplish?
h. At what age should we baptize children?
i.  Is immersion the correct mode of baptism?
j.  Who should receive the Lord’s Supper in a local church?
k. Is Christ present in the Lord’s Supper?
l.  Can we cooperate with other denominations?
m.Should we have different denominations?

  5. Eschatology

a. What happens to the lost when they die?
b. What happens to believers when they die?
c. Is there a purgatory?
d. What is the Second Coming of Christ?
e. What will happen in the final judgment?
f.  Do people have a chance to accept Christ after they die?
g. What is premillennialism?
h. What is postmillennialism?
i.  What is pretribulationism?
j.  What is posttribulationism?
k. Who is the antichrist?
l.  Who is the beast?
m.What will hell be like?
n. Do people suffer forever in hell?
o. Are there degrees of punishment in hell?
p. What will heaven be like?