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MLA Style Quick Guide 8th ed

Editor, No Author (MLA)

When there is truly no author available for a given work, then use the Title to start the citation.  Make sure that the Title of your work is set in Italics or "Quotation Marks" appropriately just as it would be for any given citation with an author.  When you are ready to cite the source in- text,  you do not need to use the entire title (see example below), but you must include at least enough of the title to ensure that your readers can adequately refer to the source when examining the works-cited bibliography.

Example Citation:

"Pizza Dough Garlic Knots Recipe." eHow, Demand Media, Accessed, 8 August 2020.

In-text Citation:

("Pizza Dough")

Important Note: In your review of a source, please make sure that there truly is no author known for a work. Remember that an author may be an organization, a government agency or corporation.  This is especially true for content such as corporate white papers and organizational articles found online. In this case, the organization can be named as an author. Likewise, an author may be only listed by their initials.  In this case, use the initials as the author.  Finally, when a source is indicated and signed as "Anonymous", it will also serve as as the author's name. Only when a source truly has no known author should you begin your source with a Title.