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Bible & Theology Resource Guide - Biblical Research Methods

Bible Background Resources



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Go to OneSearch box and click CU BOOKS (above search box).

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Books about the Background of the Bible:

  1. Click ADVANCED SEARCH (below search box).
  2. Change Any Field: to SUBJECT: (for drop-down menu).
  3. Search one of the following phrases in the 1st box:
  • bible antiquities  (use instead of bible archaeology)
  • bible history of biblical events 
  • bible geography 
  • bible biography

˞Books about the Background of Bible Books:

  1. Click ADVANCED SEARCH (below search box).
  2. Change Any Field: to SUBJECT: (for drop-down menu).
  3. Search one of the phrases in the 1st box. Example: bible geography
  4. Add the Bible Book you want to the 2nd search box (leave it Any Field:). Example: bible geography (1st box) and isaiah (2nd box)
  5. Do a search.


Recommended CU Books


Bible Antiquities
Bible History of Biblical Events
Bible Geography
Bible Biography



Find Articles on CU Databases


Search one of the following phrases in the OneSearch box.

  • bible antiquities  (use instead of bible archaeology)
  • bible history of biblical events
  • bible geography
  • bible biography

Limit results to

˞Only Articles about one of these terms:

  1. Change KEYWORD to SUBJECT (for drop-down menu).
  2. Type one of the phrases in the search box. Example: bible geography
  3. Do a search.

Only Scholarly Articles:

  1. Go to Search Results list.
  2. Under Limit To (left column), click Peer Reviewed Articles.

Only Current Articles:

  1. Go to Search Results list.
  2. Under Limit To (left column), change Publication Date (example: 2000  2024).



Recommended CU Databases to Articles


Recommended Free Databases to Articles