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Research As a Discussion


Plan Ahead

"But I don't have time to do research!"

I have to

Play computer games...

 Questions to consider
What are your priorities?
 1. The grade you want: __A __B __C __D __F
 2. How much you want to learn: __Much __Some __Little 
 3. What you will "pay" to get these:
__Time __Money __Sleep __Comfort __Less important activities
What is your plan?

1. Time - Put study time on your calendar when you are most awake and when you’re not rushed.
2. Place - Set aside a place where you won’t be disturbed to do your research.
3. Resources - Plan how you will get the resources you need.
4. Tools - Make sure you have a computer with the right software and other tools that you will need to do your research. RefWorks is a great tool to
keep track of your citations.

What to Expect...

Starting a research project often brings feelings of apprehension and

uncertainty, but you will feel better once you get working on it.

 So press on!