Welcome to PA & the Library! This guide is designed to introduce you to library resources and services that will be beneficial to you throughout the entirety of the PA program at Cedarville. Included here are tutorials on how to navigate the library website, instructions on accessing library resources remotely, a list of essential databases, an introduction to PICO and the research process, citation guides and managers, and additional resources to help you succeed in your research. Please contact the the Health Sciences Librarian if you have any questions or concerns. The library is here to support you in meeting your information needs!
Provides e-book textbooks, medical titles, videos, images, and illustrations. Also contains a drug database, practice guidelines, patient education information, interactive self-assessment tools, case files, and diagnostic tools.
AccessMedicine provides access to more than 60 medical titles (including Harrison's, CMDT 2011, and Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine), thousands of videos, images and illustrations, a drug database, practice guidelines, patient education information, interactive self assessment tools, case files, and diagnostic tools. The unique search engine looks in the metadata to provide results based on matching search terms with concepts and topics, rather than matching exact words. By focusing on broader concepts, practices, and procedures, all the relevant discussions of the topic are retrieved, even if named differently in different resources.
ClinicalKey Includes books, journal articles, multimedia, clinical overviews, drug monographs, guidelines, patient education, procedure videos, CME and more. Registration is required to access content and personalized features.