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The 'Ville in Focus

Centennial Library's annual photography contest.

Submission Information


  • All Cedarville students can participate.
  • There is a limit of two entries per person. You may submit photographs to more than one category but may not exceed a total of two entries.
  • Administrators may decline to post your submission if your photo does not uphold Cedarville University guidelines and values.


  1. Fill out the entry form. You will receive a copy of  your submission form via email.
  2. A content administrator will review your photo.
  3. Winners for each category and best-in-show will be chosen by a group of judges.
  4. Winners will be notified by a contest administrator to receive their prize.
  5. All photo entries will be temporarily displayed in the library.

Rights & Policies:

  • Before submitting, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. You retain the copyright to your photograph and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material, meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere.
  • The library publishes these photos under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommerical-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This license allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you but prohibits others from changing your works in any way or using them commercially.

Submission Agreement: 

  • When you submit a photo to the contest, you will agree to the following submission statement:
    • "I hold the copyright to this photograph and agree to permit the photograph to be posted in the Centennial Library's photo contest site. I understand that accepted photographs will be posted as submitted unless the copyright holder requests otherwise or submits a revision. I further understand and agree that the photograph may be printed for display in the library and will continue to be hosted on the library website after the conclusion of the photo contest. This means that others may download my work and share it as long as I am credited, but they may not change my work in any way or use it commercially. I acknowledge and agree that I retain all other rights to this photograph."

creative commons license

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.