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BTOT-3310/6130 Latter Prophets - Isaiah Exegetical Paper

Intertextuality - what happens between texts, e.g., citation

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  4. In search box, type isaiah old testament relation to the new testament (also search for isaiah new testament relation to the old testament or isaiah intertextuality in the bible)
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  3. Click isaiah (or other book)  For chapter, click Expand then Chapter 10 (or other chapter). For verse, click Expand then Verse 6 (or other verse)

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  5. Type new testament relation to the old testament into 2nd search box (also search for old testament relation to the new testament or intertextuality in the bible)

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  1. Go to OneSearch

  2. In OneSearch box, type bible isaiah new testament relation to the old testament (also seach for bible isaiah old testament relation to the new testament or bible isaiah intertextuality in the bible)

  3. Change drop-down menu from Select a Field to SU Subjects

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  2. Click Scriptures (top left)
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  5. In 2nd search box, type title of one of journals. Example: Westminster Theological Journal
  6. From drop-down menu, select SO Source
  7. In 3rd search box, type textual criticism
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