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SPAN 4640: Research in Language & Culture

Finding Books in Spanish

When looking specifically for books, it's a always good idea to search CU Books (books in Cedarville's library) or OhioLINK (books requestable from colleges across the state).


CU Books

To find books and e-books written in Spanish, do an Advanced Search.


Type in keywords related to your research topic, for example Sor Juana Ines, then limit Language to Spanish.

(It's okay to use keywords in English, since all records for our library materials are written in English. Titles of books are often written in both English and Spanish, even if the language of the book is Spanish.)


Browse through the search results to find relevant books for your research.


Remember to consider alternative spellings or names related to your research topic (especially when researching a person!). For example, if researching Sor Juana Ines, try searching the following: 

  • Sor Juana Ines
  • Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
  • Dona Ines de Asbaje y Ramirez de Santillana

Try to avoid using Spanish accent marks or the tilde, as these special characters might confuse the search engine.

For more structured searching, look at a relevant book, and pay attention to what subjects were used: 

Keep in mind, when you click this subject to find more related books, they may not all be written in Spanish.



Searching for books in Spanish in OhioLINK is the same as CU Books!