Demonstrates how to setup a LaTex document with citations, references,
and bibliography using BibTeX with APA and IEEE format style using the Texmaker editor
Research Tips: MATHEMATICS
Tip #1
STEP #1 - Use Centennial Library's MathSciNet, as well as Web of Science, Math ArXive, Google Scholar and others to begin your research and to identify current background information, news, videos and and related links to scholarly journals. Make sure to take notes (subtopics, key words, title, author, important ideas) and save your sources (make sure to use permalinks and not the search URL).
Tip #2
STEP #2 - Begin using BibTeXto quickly manage citations and create a quick bibliography. BibTeX is ntended to work in combination with the typesetting system LaTeX.
Tip #3
STEP #3 - Create a Working Outline to establish a basic roadmap for your writing. Use the notes and source data from STEP #1 to help you fill out the outline from the central question and thesis to main points, sub-points and transition/concluding statements.
Tip #4
STEP #4 - Sign up for a Research Appointment with your STEM/Business Faculty Librarian for extra support in navigating databases and the research process.
Tip #5
STEP #5 - Take time to visit the CU Writing Center for extra support and to sign up for a Writing Session to help improve your writing.