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Copyright & the Classroom


Basic information on Copyright and Fair Use for faculty's appropriate use of resources and materials in their in-person and online classes. Library provides general copyright guidance and can assist with Fair Use determinations. 

Important note: Faculty are responsible for complying with copyright in their use of materials in courses, including evaluating and documenting the Fair Use of materials.

Options for Using Content

 Make Fair Use of content


Use content owned by the library


 Link to content instead of posting


License content or seek permission for use



Copyright - legal protection for original works of authorship and the exclusive rights automatically granted to the author(s); exclusive rights can be assigned to a rights holder by contract

Infringing Use -  use of copyrighted material that violates the rights help by the copyright holder

Fair Use - limited non-infringing use of copyrighted material based on the four Fair Use factors

License - paying a fee to secure specific rights normally reserved to the copyright holder

Public Domain - material that is not entitled to copyright protection