1) Go to the SearchOhio catalog (http://ohpir.westervillelibrary.org/). Enter the item or topic you're looking for and click 'Submit'.

2) You will then see a results screen. If your item is available through SearchOhio, you can click on the item link to request it.

3) Check to see if your item is listed as 'AVAILABLE' at one of the SearchOhio libraries. If it is, click the green 'Request Item' button.

4) Select 'Cedarville Univ' from the menu that appears on the next screen and then click the 'Submit above information' button.

5) Enter your last name and CU ID number. Hit Submit. Your SearchOhio item should arrive here at Cedarville in 3-5 business days. We'll let you know when it's ready to be picked up!