Provides technical insight and corporate profiles including key data, news, reports, and industry statistics for small to large business both domestic and international.
The Hoover's database provides information on more than 12 million public and private companies, including companies that have gone out of business, in more than 600 worldwide industries. Information available includes in-depth industry analysis, summary financials, top competitors and officers, SEC filings, and news. Using the Hoovers information customized reports can be created.
Mergent Market Atlas offers a wealth of detail - the hallmark of all Mergent Products - on company financials, ratios, business segments, descriptions, sustainability, officers and directors. Powerful and intuitive search capabilities combined with an easy to learn and use interface provide quick access to a multitude of company, industry, index, ESG and economic data views and reports. Mergent Market Atlas delivers the same comprehensive suite of financial information used by professionals under LSEG's Refinitiv and FTSE Russell brands.--from publisher website
Provides extensive market research and industry reports. Primary focus on areas of technology and media, food and beverage, heavy industry, life science, consumer goods, and service industries.
Contains full text journals, trade publications, industry and market reports, company profiles, and business news. Covers all disciplines of business including marketing, accounting, banking, finance, and more.
Business Source Complete is a scholarly business database providing bibliographic and full text content. Business Source Complete provides full text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more. Business Source Complete contains indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back to 1886, searchable cited references for many journals, and detailed author profiles for the most-cited authors in the database.