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Scholars Symposium 2023: Keynote Events

To advocate and advance the scholarly work of students and faculty at Cedarville University

Keynote Events

To Teach and Delight: Christian Discipleship Through the Arts and Humanities (4PM, Recital Hall)

by Sandra Yang (Faculty, Music & Worship), Kevin F. Sims (Faculty, Political Science), Kirsten Setzkorn (Faculty, Library Science), Andrew Harris (Faculty, Communication), Merideth Pitts (Faculty, Linguistics), Holly Blakely (Faculty, English), Alicia McCartney (Faculty, English), Stacey Stratton (Faculty, Theatre), Caleb Booth (Faculty, Studio Art),  and Catelyn Mailloux (Faculty, Studio Art)

Facing dwindling enrollments and public interest, stakeholders in secular higher education have for the past several decades predicted the “death of the humanities” (Montás 2021). In Christian institutions of higher learning, fears of economic irrelevance (Adams 2020) may be compounded by concerns that humanities and arts departments are, at best, irrelevant to Christian practice. The proposed panel undertakes an apologia for the arts and humanities at Cedarville University, presented by faculty members from Cedarville’s Writing Center, Centennial Library, and Departments of Art, Design, and Theatre; Communication; English, Literature, and Modern Languages; History and Government; and Music and Worship. First, we overview the legacy of the arts and humanities at Cedarville, from its inception in “the coming together of a Bible college with an existing liberal arts college” (Murdoch & Mach, 2012), to the present. Next, each of the panelists briefly highlight the work of a landmark artist, scholar, or theme that illustrates the legacy of Christian contributions in the arts and humanities; we argue that such contributions are uniquely powerful in Christian discipleship since they “teach and delight”—or teach by delighting (Sidney). Along these lines, we discuss our roles as Christian scholars and/or artists at Cedarville University, highlighting the potential of our disciplines to nourish students’ love for the triune God, the ultimate Source of all truth, goodness, and beauty (Sproul 2003).

Adams, L. (2020, September 9). Christian colleges are changing to survive. Is it working? Christianity Today.

Montás, R. (2021). Rescuing Socrates. Princeton University Press.

Murdoch, M. & Mach, T. (2012). Cedarville University: Inspiring greatness for 125 years. The Donning Company Publishers.

Sproul, R.C. (2003). Recovering the beauty of the arts. Ligonier Ministries.



Arts in Action: The Final Dress Rehearsal (2PM, Recital Hall)

by Beth C. Porter (Faculty, Music & Worship) and the Cedarville University's Women's Choir

Sit in on a final dress rehearsal of Cedarville University's Women's Choir as they prepare for a concert in the Recital Hall this evening at 7 pm. Director Beth Cram Porter has given special permission for visitors to observe as she puts the final polished touches on the fine work the women have prepared over the past few months. This is an exciting opportunity to witness the work of performing artists behind the scenes and to appreciate all the fine detailed work that goes into crafting a music performance of the level of quality that makes Cedarville proud! Attendance etiquette is the same as with all of Cedarville's concerts. Please enter and exit quietly and refrain from talking or making noise with electronic devices. Please respect the Director and performers by not taking any photos or videos. No food or drink besides water is allowed in the Hall.