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BIO 4800: Sr. Seminar - Biology

Effective Presentation

Helpful Presentation Tips

Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Don't use small font. Your font size should be 18 or larger
  • Font should be legible with high contrast to your background
  • Do not use fancy font type, instead use Serif or Sans-Serif Fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.)
  • Do not overcrowd your page, rather summarize content: bulleted lists and no more than two images 
  • Do not forget to align your slide elements. Use left justification or centering to align page content in a clear style format

Expected Presentation Format

  • Overview: Introduction & Background ( approx. 3-5 mins)
  • Research (approx. 20-25 mins)
    • Paper 1
    • Paper 2
    • Comparisons
  • Conclusions ( approx. 3-5 mins)
  • Questions (approx. 3-5 mins)

How to Create an Awesome Slide Deck

Seminar Recording