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SWK 2330: Introduction to Social Work

Welcome to SWK 2330: Introduction to Social Work! This guide is designed to assist you with your "Biblical Foundation for Social Work Project." Included here are books, databases, search engines, research tips, citation helps, and additional resources, not only to help you succeed in this project and beyond. Please contact the Health Sciences Librarian with any questions.   

Why is Research Valuable for Social Work?

Why research is valuable for Social Work:

  • Research informs practice - As a future Social Worker, researching current trends or issues in the field will help you become a more effective and efficient practitioner. 
  • Research is God-honoring - You can honor God while researching. Being ethical, using discernment, and stewarding the resources you use and the information you find is pleasing to the Lord. Filtering what you learn through your Christian worldview and measuring it against Scripture helps you integrate your faith into your discipline. 
  • Research is a tool to help love others and share the Gospel - Because research improves your practice and can help you integrate your faith, it will ultimately assist you in living out your faith in the field of Social Work. When you practice well, you can share your faith well, allowing you to have an eternal and Kingdom impact on the lives others in the context of Social Work.