RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) is a plugin for Microsoft Word that lets you run a simplified version of RefWorks inside Word. RCM is a newer, more modern version of the former Write-N-Cite.
RCM is available through the Microsoft Store and can be installed directly from Microsoft Word. By default, Office automatically updates RCM whenever a new version becomes available.
1) Finding and Adding RCM Plugin - Open Microsoft Word, select Insert > Get Add-ins and search for RefWorks and then Add.
2) Once the RCM Ad-in is uploaded, a New Tab will appear at the top of your Word document (RCM). When you are ready to use RefWorks for in-text citation and generating a bibliography, simply select the RCM tab, Click on the RefWorks Citation Manager Icon, then log into your account.
Now you're ready to use RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM).