Chicago Manual 14.267
See examples below:
Notes-Bibliography Style
1st Footnote or Endnote
2. Michael Shear, host, “The Spat over President Obama's Upcoming Jobs
Speech,” The Caucus (MP3 podcast), New York Times, September 1, 2011,
accessed September 6, 2011,http://www.nytimes.com/pages/podcasts/.
Usually not cited in bibliography.
Author-Date Style
1st Parenthetical Note
(Shear 2011)
Reference List
Shear, Michael, host. "The Spat over President Obama's Upcoming Jobs Speech."
The Caucus (MP3 podcast). New York Times, September 1, 2011. Accessed
September 6, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/pages/podcasts.